Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thomas E Lawrence once said that, "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
The dreams and goals that we have need to be the dreams that are with our eyes open. We need to have these dreams firmly set in our minds to not deceive us or tempt us into believing we are greater than we actually are. No, these dreams are set to make us live out our lives achieving the things that we set out to do.

Ignorance is said to be bliss, but being deceived from the truth to believe the dreams with your eyes shut is a total lie.
Dreams and goals are what we have in our lives to put a marker against our achievements as men. If we have a distorted dream, then we will never truly reach our potential of what we were called to do. But if we are "dangerous men" with our eyes open, then it is said, "the world is your oyster". Ultimately, to be a dangerous man we need to truly believe that our open eyes are not deceiving us like our shut ones. We need to believe in ourselves, knowing that nothing in this world can damage those dreams. We need to believe that what we have to say is as important as anyone else's words in the world. We need to break down those barriers of insecurity from those aiming to defy us in achieving these "open eyed" dreams.
We need to dream modestly, humbly and nobly to understand the full nature of the dreams and goals we have in our lives, for if we do this, then we can become dangerous men, and with our eyes open, we can make those dreams possible!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Calling for greatness

Why is it we do the things we do? Is it a yearning to do right or the desire to achieve the perfection we believe is hammered into us by the world itself. Every person in this world has a greater calling to their lives, a greater purpose that is brought forwards...more than just living a nice and easy life...there must be more than that.

On a personal level, there is a belief within us, a belief that controls us to do greatness and to achieve greatness within this world. Martin Luther-King believed that there was more than the life he was known to...a life of supression, and he decided to do greatness by being an advocate for those opressed. This is what we must try and achieve...

Not everyone can be a Martin Luther-King, surely? Well, I struggle to believe that Luther-King was any different than you or I, so why can we not change the world...why can we not achieve greatness. The world piles into us to achieve perfection...and very few actually attempt to reach out and grab it. So why not become a generation that changes this, why not stand up for those opressed, why not stand up for those that can not stand up for themselves. The world needs change and not everyone has the gift of words, the gift of wrting, the gift of leadership...but I believe every single person has a gift that they have been blessed with, a gift that is being called forward to achieve greatness and change this world for the good!
Now is the time for change...so it is down to us, this new generation of the world to ensure this change is for the good!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Arguments... What are they really? A mutual disagreement, a debate of two completely different ideas. Then what was this... One side was believing they were in the right, and the other knew they were in the wrong. So really, both parties were wrong!

I just wish she really knew how I felt and not just what she believes to be the way I feel. There is nothing worse than being told "this is how you feel." As if I didn't know... or do I? i know that I love her, but I do not think I have honestly accepted how much I do. The question now is, How do I show her?

If I'm not careful then there is a chance that I could lose her forever. And for what? Not even what a dictionary would call a legitimate argument. It is through fear and also a yearning desire of what we have and what we don't that compels us to keep going and yet retreat under the constant pressure of making this work. If only she knew how much I would give up for her. If only I knew how much I would give up for her. If I did, then we wouldn't be in this mess.

* Influenced by a special someone

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"The paths we have taken to get here are inconsequential as we are all here with the same ideas and goals to our present lives" - "No man or woman is different or above the other; everyone here is equal, living it and in the same boat."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"Perfect constancy is found in God alone and no other man or woman." These are the words of Robert Browning in his most famous works, "The Merchants Tale". Now even though these words were obviously written for a different audience, they can still be viewed on as a basis to life itself. It is true, perfect faith, love and commitment can only be found in God, and that is where the world falters. It looks for life in what God created and not in God itself...

To say that times were hard is somewhat of an understatement, but I cling to the fact that times will change. Knowing that so many people I know would kill for an opportunity like this makes the pain, loneliness and misfortune fade away into the vast echoless surroundings. Now what makes a man feel this way, knowing that he has friends, family, a girlfriend, a future, so much hope and prospects? Well it is the never ending longing for perfection within himself, and never being able to achieve what he truly ever sets out to do.
Embarking on a trip like this takes 'courage, an adventurous mind, perseverance, a sense of fun', well at least that is what I have been told. In truth I found that it was through boredom and a lack of a better idea that enticed me into doing something different, something other than working for a whole year. However, I have found that God alone is the source to true happiness. Travelling, working, living it hard has cleared my head to the true essence of where happiness is found, and perfect constancy is truly found in God alone and no other man or woman.

*Inspired by time spent in Tasmania